About the Instructor
K9 Nose Work instructor Tamre Huber is a beacon of positivity and a seasoned dog trainer with 18 years of enriching experiences. Tamre's journey began at a large no-kill shelter, where she dedicated her efforts to the well-being of over 200 dogs. In 2016, driven by a passion for enhancing their lives, Tamre embarked on a quest for better enrichment activities. This quest led her to discover the NACSW shelter dog program, a revolutionary nose work program designed specifically for shelters.
With the guidance of an experienced instructor, Tamre implemented this innovative program and witnessed its remarkable effectiveness over the following year. Recognizing its potential, Tamre integrated nose work lessons into her puppy classes, seeing firsthand the transformative impact on the bond between owners and their dogs. This experience inspired Tamre to pursue further education, completing the NACSW instructor program in 2020.
Now, Tamre proudly offers nose work classes at her Three Rivers studio, nestled near Sunriver. With a dedication to fostering positive relationships between dogs and their owners, Tamre continues to spread the joy and benefits of nose work, enriching the lives of dogs and humans alike.
Unleash your dog’s super sniffer!
Scheduling Spring Classes Now!
Send an email for availability and details. GoodDog@startmail.com or:
K9 Nose-Work – Dogs can Smell the fun!
More about Nose-Work
Looking for something fun and different to do with your dog? Try K9 Nose Work. K9 Nose Work is an entertaining search and scenting activity for virtually any dog, inspired by working detection dogs. This sport allows your dog to do what he does best…use his nose to find things.
Nose Work comes naturally to practically any dog, and this activity will build confidence, independence, and focus. It also provides a safe way to keep dogs fit and healthy through mental and physical exercise regardless of age, fitness level, or temperament.
K9 Nose Work starts with getting your dog excited about using his nose to find a favorite toy or food reward hidden in one of several boxes. We then expand the game to rooms, exterior areas, and vehicles. Finally, target odors may be introduced as your dog grows more confident.
One of the most amazing things about Nose-Work is that all types of dogs can participate, and they love the game! It is enriching for them to use their sense of smell and be rewarded for it. It is also a lot of fun for owners/handlers as they witness the delight of their dogs searching.
Even dogs that don’t get along well with other dogs are welcome to participate. During Nose-Work classes, dogs work one at a time and are crated away from the search area when it is not their turn.
Prepare for a lifetime of fun with your dog; try K9 Nose Work!
Interested in getting your dog started? Classes are forming now…
Nose Work is the PERFECT activity for:
Dogs without obedience training
Rowdy puppies
Active teens
Slowing seniors
Reactive and timid dogs
*Dogs with disabilities also enjoy and excel at Nose Work.
No special equipment is needed, and you can have fun with Nose-Work practically anywhere!
In your home or yard, or at a neighbor’s
At the park, schoolyard, or in a field
Any small dirt, concrete or grassy area (if safe)
Near a church or office building (during off hours)
Yes! The possible locations for Nose-Work are infinite!
And, since you can play practically anywhere, Nose-Work is perfect for:
When you are traveling or on vacation;
When the weather is good, bad, or even ugly;
When you are too tired for a walk (it is an excellent energy-burning activity);
Times that your dog is recuperating from an injury & can’t be too active;
Some folks get into Nose-Work to compete, but many more do so just for the fun they have with their dog(s) and the others with whom they take classes.
Nose-Work: What is it?
Nose-work (scent work) is an activity that taps into a dog's exceptional olfactory abilities and has gained significant popularity in recent years. Beyond being a fun and engaging pastime, nose work offers our canine companions various physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Let's dive into this captivating world of smells and explore the countless advantages scent work brings to our furry friends.
1. Mental Stimulation:
The canine brain is wired for problem-solving, and nose work provides the perfect mental workout. Engaging in scent detection tasks stimulates a dog's cognitive abilities, requiring them to analyze, concentrate, and make decisions based on the scents they encounter. As they search for specific odors or navigate scent trails, their minds remain active, preventing boredom and potentially destructive behaviors that can arise from a lack of mental stimulation.
2. Physical Exercise:
Nose-work may not seem as physically demanding as chasing a ball, but it involves plenty of movement. Dogs participating in scent detection classes or games are on the move, using their bodies to sniff, search, and explore the environment. This low-impact physical activity benefits all dogs, including those with mobility issues or health concerns that might limit more rigorous exercises.
3. Stress Reduction:
Sniffing activates the canine parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. Engaging in scent work allows dogs to focus their energy on a calming activity, which can be particularly beneficial for anxious or nervous dogs. The scents themselves can have a calming effect on canines, making scent work an excellent tool for managing stress and anxiety.
4. Enhanced Bonding:
Participating in nose-work classes or games strengthens the bond between a dog and its human partner. Working together to solve scent puzzles fosters trust, cooperation, and communication. Dogs learn to rely on their humans for guidance and support, while owners gain a deeper understanding of their dogs' body language and behavior, creating a harmonious and rewarding partnership.
5. Boosted Confidence:
Accomplishing scent detection tasks successfully boosts a dog's self-confidence. Each successful find grows their sense of achievement, encouraging them to tackle more challenging scent work exercises. The confidence gained through scenting games often extends to other aspects of a dog's life, making them more resilient in unfamiliar situations.
6. Channeling Instincts:
Dogs are natural hunters, and nose-work taps into this primal instinct. It provides an appropriate outlet for their hunting behavior in a controlled and positive manner. This satisfies their instincts and helps prevent undesirable behaviors that may arise from unexpressed hunting tendencies.
7. Mental Relaxation:
Nose-work is mentally relaxing for dogs, helping them focus and escape from overstimulating environments. Engaging in scent detection tasks in busy or noisy settings allows dogs to concentrate on one specific activity, effectively filtering out distractions and promoting mental tranquility.
8. Inclusivity:
One of the significant advantages of scent work is its inclusivity. Dogs of all ages, breeds, and physical abilities can participate and excel in this activity. It is particularly beneficial for senior dogs or those recovering from injuries, as they can enjoy a mentally stimulating activity without excessive physical strain.
9. Problem Behavior Management:
Scenting games can aid in managing problem behaviors such as excessive barking, digging, or hyperactivity. Regularly engaging in scent detection exercises makes dogs less likely to resort to destructive or disruptive behaviors born out of boredom or pent-up energy.
10. Fun and Enriching Activity:
Above all, nose-work is incredibly enjoyable for dogs! Sniffing and exploring the world through scents is integral to their nature. Nose work provides a purposeful and enriching activity that keeps their tails wagging and their heart’s content.
To sum it up, this sport offers many benefits for dogs, catering to their innate abilities while enhancing their overall well-being. From mental and physical stimulation to reduced stress levels and improved communication with their human partners, scent work is an artful science that celebrates the wonders of a dog's nose. So, unleash the super sniffer within your canine companion and embark on an adventure that will leave them tail-waggingly happy!
Ready to join the fun? Contact us today!
GoodDog@startmail.com (541) 647-3262